Obtaining adequate and affordable insurance coverage remains one of the many challenges in the cannabis industry. Most large insurance carriers – adverse to the risk posed by unfavorable federal law – have so far chosen to leave millions of dollars in potential annual premiums that cannabis industry businesses are willing to pay on the table.
A. Kate Margolis
Kate Margolis provides insurance coverage advice for policyholders. She knows that insurance coverage is essential to the long-term viability of any business. Kate helps policyholders preserve coverage both before and after a claim arises. She advises regarding terms and conditions and potential gaps in coverage when clients are evaluating their insurance programs. For example, cyber insurance has fast become a crucial part of any insurance program. Kate recently co-authored the Guide to Cyber Insurance: Building a Program, Procuring Coverage, Managing Claims and Litigating Disputes, published by RIMS, the Risk Management SocietyTM.
When coverage disputes do arise, Kate is committed to cost-effective and creative solutions to achieve a satisfactory business resolution if possible and unrelenting advocacy when litigation is warranted. Kate has helped clients navigate roadblocks to coverage for nearly 20 years.